
Nikki Hall

I was a bit nervous about working with Steve as I'd seen him in action training fighters, and my goals couldn't be any more different. After recovering from breast cancer surgery, I'd worked hard to get well again and then Covid hit. So long out of the gym meant I not only lost a lot of strength but also confidence in myself and my abilities.

For a tough guy that has endless energy, he's incredibly kind and is devoted to helping his clients achieve their goals. He always has time for you. He takes a holistic approach and finds ways to challenge and improve your mindset and overall wellbeing. I never thought we'd end up talking about meditation, but again, he knows what he's talking about.

As I approach 50 next year, I've set myself a couple of fitness goals that would seem insignificant to others, but he's embraced what these mean to me and the positive impact they have on the rest of my life as I work towards them. I'm someone whose confidence in sport and exercise was shattered at school from soul destroying sports days and cross-country experiences. Steve has a particular skill in using humour to literally drag me out of my comfort zone and make me see what is possible if you challenge your own beliefs. I wish I'd learnt years ago that investing in myself would be worth every penny. If you want a no-nonsense approach to fitness and wellbeing, but with tonnes of encouragement I'd highly recommend Steve.